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If you're ANYWHERE close to retirement and noticing how things set you off, frustrate you, the company has gone down the tube, etc. then JUST RETIRE ALREADY. You probably shoulda retired 5 years ago I bet. In the meantime, you're only increasing your blood pressure and annoying everyone else who has to put up with your crotchety old butt. Nobody ever retires and says "man, I really miss work; I should have stayed longer". They all say "man, I shoulda done this sooner!" Do yourself a favor and go enjoy your retirement. Besides, if you pull your money out now it'll be better than the looming economy crash and you'll end up stuck here because all your investments plummetted. Mr. Brown, the time is now, Mr. Brown will you please go now? (name that book Grandpa; if you can't you definitely need to retire and go read to your grandkids). For real. Just go.