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You mean the one that hit a cable car line that dropped a few thousand feet and squished everyone onboard.


No that was a actual Navy A-6


The US Army's OV-1 Mohawk series had Ejection Seats by Martin-Baker of Merry 'Ole England.  A Observer/Equipment Operator and his pilot Ejected.  The Observer , Chad was his first name, survived, the Pilot If I recall did not.  Martin-Baker sent Chad a letter welcoming him as a member of the "Silkworm Club" as he had ejected/bailed out of a perfectly bad airplane.  Sometime later, Chad again ejected after being told to eject by the pilot.  This time the Pilot landed the plane.  Chad received a second letter from Martin-Baker: "Sir, it is not necessary to renew your membership in the "Silkworm Club"


Any way Chad then went to ROTC, got a degree, went to Army flight school, took a Huey on a joyride with his Dept of Army Civilian girlfriend on board, got caught, lost his wings, got a career killer report card, had to serve his full obligation.  Got out.  He then became a Department of the Army Civilian himself and I lost track.


I still like the guy.