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MATOC stands for Multple Award Task Order Contract and is the new "parent" contract. It replaces the old BOA's (Basic Ordering Agreements) that were the CWN's.  The TORPs (Task Order Requirememt Package) replace the old EU contracts that were solicited as stand alone contracts and the TORPs are now the "child" contract under the MATOC.  All of this contracting stucture and acronyms have been imported from the DOD side of the government.  

Yes, there are 30 Type 3 contracts that were supposed to have started already, would be starting this weekend, or were supoosed to have started in the next 2 weeks.  Those starts will be delayed. It's also very likely due to all the new equipment requirements of the MATOC the USFS is not likely to get 30 MATOC contract compliant aircraft offered to start this summer's TORPs either.  My guess is the USFS will order up the needed Type 3's call when needed (CWN) and fill those bases that way until the TORPs are awarded which means it's most likely luck if the draw who goes to work and who doesn't.  

The Type 2's are one 1 season BOA's and the Type 1's are strictly CWN this summer which is of course off to a very slow start, unless you're working in Canada.