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I saw TOP GUN when I was 11 years old.  Joined the AF at 17.  Thought that was how to fly.  Got duped into working flight line on the fastest Bomber in the fleet, ECM, Comm, Nav.  Did 7 years of that, got Married like a dope during.  Goal was not to get married till 35, have my career laid out as a Fighter pilot already, and not have kids till 40.  That was the plan.  Divorced 4 years into the marriage, AF job sucked, still not flying, joined the civilian life doing Avionics installs on Yellow and black helis in the Main hub, cuz bills and mortgage.  Been there forever, but also started paramotoring for 5 years now.  Finally living the dream.  New goal.....  Don't die before I retire at 50.  And then don't die before all the money runs out.  Oh, and never have kids....pretty sure I can check that goal off as completed.