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Yes and no. The blades are incredibly strong but they look like they were made by a 6th grade woodworking class and painted by a blind kid. If you get a chance to check one out up close ask to see the blades. Based on everything else flying it's alarming when you see the flap pocket is just pro sealed on and painted over and there are bolts through the blades. They look straight out of the scrap heap with all the imperfections. The flaps are pretty flimsy looking. Everyone i've ever seen has cracks in the paint and it's very hard to tell what is superficial paint and what goes deeper until it's advanced. Note it and watch it.
keep in mind the blades and some other parts are in a pool. You send your blades in and get a different set that has been "overhauled" who knows what operator had them before you and if they abused them or gently tucked them in each night. Kaman isn't really known for their quality control. Each pair of blades and their flaps are mated for life. You cannot simply replace one blade or one flap. You ding a flap or a blade and that whole side is getting pulled.