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You guys come off a lot more suspect than I do.  You don't seem to know anything about the airline industry.  If you are going to make the jump I suggest you spend more time learning what you are getting yourself into rather than making lame accusations.  

Another thing you should probably do is brush up on your instrument skills.  The majority of helicopter pilots are fairly weak and many have difficulty in airline training if they don't prepare.  You need to know 91.175 cold.  You should also understand circling approaches, SID's and STAR's.  PBN is a thing now so an understanding of RNP and EPU and their relationship is helpful.  How much do you know about baro-VNAV? Ever flown a GLS approach?  How about a CAT II?  

Its not impossible but a lot of helicopter pilots haven't continued to develop their instrument skills.  They become lax and don't challenge themselves l, doing most of their training with the flight director engaged and their checks at 90 knots.  They suddenly find themselves in a 140 knot world seemingly always behind the aircraft.  Khow to use the flight director but during training hand fly instrument approaches at 120-140 knots to improve your instrument skills.