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"FedEx has suspended hiring, that's true.  The part you left out was that they are also closing their European bases and will need to absorb those pilots into domestic side again.  Perhaps you left that part out on purpose to try to prove some point, or perhaps you're just ignorant."

Didn't you leave out the part of why FedEx is closing its bases? They are contracting and reducing fleet size due to downturns in the global cargo market.  Their goal is to cut $6 billion in operting expenses.  

Any RTAG'er who took a job flying a cargo Caravan or ATR for a FedEx feeder in the FedEx "Purple Runways" recruitment program just found out they will be staying at that Caravan or ATR job making $46,000 a year for the foreseeable future.  It is a reality of the industry.  Every flow though program has also had a flow back.  I would not be at all surprised if FedEx senda Purple Runways new hire pilots back to places like Mountain Air Cargo until they start hiring again. 

You should have an appreciation for how quickly things in the airline industry can change.  Not only when offering advice to others, but also when planning your own career.  The advice they used to give airline pilots remains true to this day:

Live modestly in an area with a low cost of living.

Have at least seven months salary in an emergency fund.

Have a backup career plan since you are always only a heartbeat away from losing your medical.

You aren't really hired until you complete IOE so don't make any big lifestyle changes until you finish IOE.

You aren't a Captain until you can hold a line as a Captain, so live like an FO until you can hold a line.