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That highlights a significant difference between most helicopter jobs and most fixed wing jobs.  Fixed wing jobs, including airlines, tend to pay by the flight hour.  Most helicopter jobs like HEMS pay a salary whether you fly or not.  

The difficulty with airline jobs comes in the reserve/seniority system.  New hires are often not senior enough to hold a line so they get reserve where they only get paid minimum guarantee.  It has gottten much better in the last three years.  Minimum guarantee could be as low as 45 hours a month, now it's commonly 75 hours a month, if not more.  Reserve commonly lasts 9 months to year.  The first actual lines new pilots can usually bid are pretty lousy, lots of nights, weekends, holidays, and might be only 40-50 hours, but at least you know your schedule which is nice after essentially being on call for a year. 

Netjets has been considered a fairly good company to work for, at least for the past five years or so. They have had some issues with getting behind in  training and upgrades that I think still persist, but on the whole, probably not a bad choice.  Back in my day, they were not a good stepping stone to a major airline since they all wanted Part 121 experience, but that has probably changed. I also knew of a few NetJets guys that made the jump into airline flying but then went back to NetJets.