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who the idiot really is?  Is the old guy telling you he cant afford to retire after 50 years?  He's likely pulling your young chain and you dance for him.  Is his continued employment stopping you from working? I doubt it.  Do you have to climb in there and fly with him?  If so, then who's the clueless fool here? If not, then what's it matter?

I'm not old enough to "retire" to start drawing SS, but I could stop working. All of my properties have been paid off for about 10 years and I paid cash for the last two new vehicles. I started my "official" work career at 16 and 50 years of working puts me at 66, still shy of my full SS retirement age. I could start drawing earlier, but I'm sure as hell not going to do it just because a whiner would like me to.  If someone asks me about retiring, I tell them "I can't afford to retire".  Sound familiar?

I don't think your guy's age is your problem.