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Fire at-Will Employment

Employment at will is based on the principal that the employer and employee are free agents who enter an employment agreement voluntarily. The agreement can be broken by either party without notice – the employee can resign anytime he chooses, just as the employer can fire him at any time. While many think that they cannot be fired without cause such as poor performance, unacceptable behavior or an economic downturn, that is only true in Montana – and then only after a probationary period. Exceptions occur, and if you are fired at will it is up to you to prove otherwise.

If you fire or otherwise terminate my employmen then you owe my family, estate and myself $100,000 tax free from State and Federal holdings.  If I quit no notice and my total self worth is less than your last year's profits I OWE YOU NOTHING.

Welcome to the real world and soon to be enforce one way or another. Don't pïss off the wrong employee.