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Used to be, for safety, 60 was the limit for Part 121.  Then, when they started getting short of pilots, it went up to 65.   Now, as we are getting shorter, 67 is being proposed.


All arbitrary number!


The limit had more to do with making room for the bottom then it did about safety at the top!   Even ALPA opposes the increase in age because of it causing a stagnation for junior pilots not being able to upgrade.  Soon, you'll also see ICAO follow suit and up their requirements as well.


BTW, did you know, currently, you cannot be a pilot flying single-pilot commerically under ICAO rules if you are older than 60.   Are there any HEMS or fixed-wing Air Ambulance operators crossing the border?   Hope nit!  Because it arbitrarily unsafe to fly over 60 apparently!