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(if it's the southeast region area manager running their mouth about business stuff I can guarantee who she is)

we heard rumor amc was going to open up anew base within 30 miles of our base. when we approached management about the rumor we had a base meeting and our area manager and business team came to make us feel better and to tell us that the area could accommodate the additional base and that we all had the numbers to survive. They even went as far as to say we were a top 5 performimg base in the company. We all felt safe. 3 months later the new base opened. 6 months later our base closed. Many of us lost out on getting a job close to home because management said we were safe and we missed the opportunity to move on to the new base. Lessons learned: when management tells you that you are a top performer know they are telling everyone that. If the company is putting a base in direct competition with your base that's a clue that you are now no longer the priority and the company does not self compete for long. if you are competing against an adm or hbs program and you are cbs, pack your bags now. If a base cost more to operate with ACCra or stipends or overhead costs it will lose the competitio. money is everything. the company and especially area managers are not your friends and they will tell you what you want to hear not the truth. bottom line is that if a base is being opened in your current market, it means what your base is doing is not enough and you will be replaced no matter what management tells you your reimbursement rates are or how safe you are. read the room and the writing on the wall. You've been warned.