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you are a certificated air ambulance....

You land at an LZ on the interstate.  The pilot remains at the controls and his medical crewmembers get out to tend to and retrieve the patient.

The pilot is in frong, can't see anything in the back due to the NVG STC requireing blackout curtains.

There he sits....   

Meanwhile, the medical crewmembers get the patient, bring him (it?) back to the running helicopter.

They load that patient unseen by the pilot.  They insure the patient is properly strapped in with restrained.  Hearing protection in place, and assume responsibility for that patient's safety if there is an emergency.

They ensure all the baggage is properly stowed and secured.

They conduct a walk around, to ensure the aircraft is reeady for flight, doors and compartments latched, no seatbelts dangling from the rear hatch.

They report to the pilot who can't see them:   We are all secured, ready for take off.

Pilot responds, trusting them (because they are properly trained), "Roger, liifting" as he completes he takeoff checklist.

To me, that's a crewmember, who has a job and responsibility.

To you, that's just a passenger.   Meanwhile, you havent't got out from behind the controls in the cockpit to do all that they have done for you!


FAR 1.1, crewmember, a person who has been assigned a duty aboard an aircraft in flight