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governed by the FAR's.  They are "medical personnel" in part 135 and if properly trained do not have to be briefed as pax under part 135. 

They are not listed as "safety sensitive" personnel under part 120 so they do not have alcohol/drug testing requirements under part 120.

The FAA has no authority to govern their conduct other than as passengers.

You can call them crew members, you can call them flight crew if you want.  This is America.  You can say what you want, that doesn't change your status under the FAR's.  If you are seated in an exit row on a B737 you can call yourself a crew member, nobody cares...and you can drink alcohol while you're doing it.

If you're really good at Call of Duty you can call yourself a combat still don't qualify for a VA benefits.

This stuff really isn't that hard.