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Been over a year, but if you're A-Star, EC130, 407, or EC135 (granted, the comment previously about 135 sims may mean that's changed) are all done in Denver.  Sims for a few days. A quick day and a N/NVG check somewhere in the middle/end (basic flight, mission profile, then instrument return), then final full checkride/oral with all the EP's in the sim.  Pretty straightforward and overall is "enough" for the basic mission profile according to their GOM.  

If you're 145, 222, A109, or some other random helicopter that AMC still has then you'll just leave after the first week and they'll selectively schedule you to get training at your base or nearby base in that bird.  Same amount of training time; just won't do real EP's obviously.  

Durng the flight week in Denver, there are standards written (I forget what the document is called; it's written identical to an Army ATM), but per previous comments, there are some jack-in-the-box check airmen who have their own ideas of standards (namely one former Army guy in the 407 side; I still hear people complaing about him years later; dude needed to retire 5-10 years ago (and he's not an old guy either); his deskside portion was thorough and actually the most well crafted, realistic scenario based exam I've had in many years; I'll give him that). 

The A-star and EC130 guys (and gal) were some of the most professional I have seen in many years.  Quality, push-you, work-you training and they made the training fun and interesting despite the EC130 being so bad (not joking: it's the worst sim I've ever been in and I've been in all the Army ones over the years, Frasca, and the various FSI sims as well... it's horrible (word on the street was they never got Airbus to sign off the flight handling on it like the other sims??? who knows).

If you've never read an HAA GOM or been in the specific airframe then use the first week and weekend to study.  They'll give you access to the pubs during the first week (if you talk with someone at a base before you go they can usually get you the stuff early if you want to nerd out early).  The second week (flight week) goes quick. 

Overall it's professional, fairly well thought out, and you're decently taken care of while there (food/hotel/vehicles).  It's a good time.