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Politicians would never stop increasing those kinds of taxes until they kill off aviation in the state. The government(s) in Louisiana are corrupt and self-serving first, political party loyal second, constituant last. If you think giving them any more would fix anything, just look at the money black hole of New Orleans. it is said the new airport will be condemned in 5 years because of horrible concrete jobs and its hollow under the foundation and sinking. Old airport is just fine, and is actually bigger. I-10 has been under construction with grant money since the 90's, and seems to never be done. Contractors get rich, and people get taxed. You can also google this one: why Walt Disney went to Florida instad of the North Shore where it was originally planned. 

There is just not going to be any fairness in which money is stolen from the people by this state. So, If a company is resourceful enough to beat these crooks at their own game, more power to them.