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Whatever. Here's a better tip. Speaking as a prior military pilot, don't let posts like this intimidate you. It's not hard to demilitarize a resume. A few tips for ya: 1.) All the civilian world generally wants to see are HOURS, QUALS (ratings), Applicable Education, Applicable Experience. I was over twenty years, was highly qualified, and served in many different jobs. But at the end, I was still able to fit the APPLICABLE stuff on ONE page. 2.) Some types of flight time are the same. Some are not (more on this later). Take some time to learn how they correlate so you don't either shortchange yourself or worse, get to the hiring stage and embarrass yourself in a logbook review. 3.)Tailor your resume to the job description. If it's for a position flying in the Gulf, they probably don't care that you have a million hours of NVG time. If it's for HEMS, then yeah-absolutely not it. PLEASE, IN THE NAME OF ALL THAT IS HOLY, DON'T put the words "combat time" anywhere on a resume or app. It,'s not the flex you think it is, and it makes us all look stupid. 4.) Best piece of advice I can give you is to sit down with a friend who's successfully transitioned into civilian flying, preferably one at the company where you're applying. Buy them beer, and have them go over your resume with you. Heli-Success Military Transition Workshop (if they still do it) is a great thing to attend as well. Best of luck.