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At AMC there didn't seem to be any push for military guys to take the RAM or RAD roles.  There's nothing special about either position regarding years of time required with the company but I'd expect you'd need 2-3 years at the company before applying for one of those positions when they open.

Only ever saw one RAM who also flew a normal part-time hitch once in a while.  It's possible and makes them better leaders but unrealistic unless they don't have a family.

Their duties are concerning pilot positions being filled, monthly/annual/base training checked off (lots of records inspections), base leads being identified and checked on to ensure they're compliant with company rules and milestones, aircraft location/selection, authorizing extended flights, judging what to do to cover unique base/pilot/helicopter situations, pushing new company rules, and TONS of  Part135 compliance (so make sure you know the regs backwards and forwards; they're not hard).  You'll also be required to visit each base in your region at least once a year so you'll travel a lot. 

Lots of late/early phone calls and it's 24/7.  Not sure what their pay was to know if it's worth it.  Usually went to guys who are tired of flying or couldn't pass a flight physical anymore (or had higher aspirations in the company).  By virtue of that they probably keep the pay low for a management position.  Area Managers are where the money's at based on duties required  in comparison (only have to worry about 3-5 bases), but those positions are typically covered by former medcrew as you're also in charge of medcrew scheduling and dealing with hospital, customer service/complaints, etc. regarding them so they prefer to have a former medical person doing Area Manager duties. 

There's ZERO requirement for military experience; just that you know and have followed company rules well, that you're interested in getting involved in company issues/drama/politics (and ensure you've done a good bit of workover/overtime shifts to show you're a company man otherwise you probably won't be considered).  

If you're talking about being a base lead pilot that's about the same when it comes to selection.  The management requirements of a base lead pilot aren't the same as you're not technically a "manager" in charge of anyone as it's more of an informal leadership position; hence they only pay a measly $2500 extra per year (and I'd tell you it's NOT worth that for the extra duties you really have to do).  

Also, these positions don't open every 18-24 months like leadership positions do in the military so if you know one's about to open then make your decision and intentions known ASAP as you may not see another one open for many years.