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And they make you fly at night in singles?! 

"They" don't/didn't make me do anything. Ever. I flew 'singles' at night from the get gone, part of the job. What platform did you get your wings in?

Now, here's a proposition and an argument:

First, the proposition- twins, multis are more complicated thus more pilot-error prone. Look at some stats, you'll find flyable 'complex/multi' aircraft crashed more often by polot error than come to grief by mechanical/systems/controlled flight into the ground combined.

Second- I've heard multiple new twin pilots flying stupid because 'the aircrarft has two engines' and can fly away. You ain't been flying very long before you learn that that second engine just enables a more graceful crash. Or, that second engine is toasted/oversped getting you outta wherever.

Me? I preferred night flights. Less aircraft around, cooler, denser, smoother air and I could see much further without the sun light backscatter. This was all especially true with NVGs.

What I didn't like about HEMS was not enough flying until there was too much. Sit a week of nights and one call. Or you would get a call just as you completed you prep, then be relieved remotely.