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I pretty much did the same thing as you.  Was working external load on the west coast and was flying a King Air part time.  I really wanted to get into FW but the pay was horrible.  I think a new FO at Comair was making 10k a year.  I finally worked my way into a regional and spent 8 years as FO and Capt for the last 4.  Got hired flying 747's and now Captain on the 777.  Its all international and long days and legs but the pay is pretty good over 300K a year.   15-17 days off a month all in a row and that can be spread into 2 months off in a row with just using two weeks vacation.   Its a pretty sweet job but it can be very fatiguing.   Do I miss flying helicopters?  Not really because I have seen so many friends die from accidents and many accidents were not their fault.  Helicopters are very fun to fly but if I never get in one again I won't be sad.