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Now the pilots have to pay union dues...and for what exacly? 

Efforts to retain pilots is nothing new. The union make recommendations, that operators are already aware of and consider despite the union.  Typically, the union will claim any positive change victory that was initiated by them. The "what can we do to retain pilots and mechanics" are central questions brought up at most head-shed meetings. Pay, housing, schedules, vacations, 401ks etc., are all discussed, proposed, and implemented without any input from the union. These are not new industry issues. Losing pilots and their aeronautical experience is expensive for all operators. Losing pilots and mechanics costs a company much more than monitarliy. The experienced pilots and mechanics walking out the door have a significant intrinsic value that impacts safety, culture, aeronautical experience, customer satisfaction. All retention ideas are important, discussed, and if able, implemented..Unfortunately the common credo for unions, and I witnessed this first-hand as the L-##8's reps did this very thing, is to jump onto the tail-end touting "look what we did for our dudes!" A negative side to this beahvior is that it weakens the culture. Management vs. Pilots syndrome. Lose-lose. 


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