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For example, one hospital has helipads numbered 1, 2, 3 for the order they would like helicopters to land there. If you came in right behind someone and noticed they parked on the 3 instead of the 1 on the way in, would you mention it to them?

Or let's say there was a commonly used helipad that's big enough to fit 2 helicopters on, as long as both people park on the sides. You happen to come in and see there's someone parked right in the middle and there's not enough room for you to get down, would you mention the local procedure as they lift?


Interested to hear the group's opinion on this. On the one hand if the pilot genuinely doesn't know maybe they'd like to be told the local ways of doing things even though they're not mandatory. On the other hand, it seems like helicopter pilots are always ready to tell other helicopter pilots what they're doing wrong.