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Agreed, my friend. I'm glad you had a great career flying helicopters! 

it is about lifestyle -- I too ride and enjoy traveling with my wife. Grandkids will be a priority soon, when I retire and then have ALL my time. 

As for the 135 FW naysayers, they have no clue. $200k is the new normal. Advertised salary is just a starting point, --add pay differentials for OT, retention bonuses, performance incentive pay etc.. It adds up.

As for those vaxxed Libs, 

they're at home wearing their Covid masks. waiting for their latest booster shots, and more  "guidance" from the CDC. If  they don't end up in FAA medical limbo.

Covid vaxed are becoming infertile., too.

That means "bending the population cuve" for Gen Z, (one good side effect, I suppose.)

The New World Order and "Great Reset" will need fewer 

Useful idiots