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got 1st shot July 2nd 2021

chest pain after for about a week. Then subsided

2nd dose was july 30th 2021

after second dose I was out of work for about 2 weeks due to the reaction. Again, severe heart pain, and neurological issues. ER, @ Vanderbilt found nothing wrong other than a severe high d Dimer / blood clotting test. After those results they did numerous other tests that found nothing.


went back to work after this resolved for a few months.


March 2022. Booster.


May 2022. night call, got up to head out, and fell over. Flat out on my face. Rushed to ER. Blood pressure really

low. Heart electrical disturbances, as well as EF on repeat echo down Substantially. Same cardiologist as prior testing was attending. Repeated blood testing to show D Dimer again high. All

other testing normal. His diagnosis is "post vaccine induced orthostatic hyooptension / cardiomyopathy".


Im very Glad this didn't happen in flight, and I'm permanatly grounded until

the FAA decided there is a course of action for this issue. So far, any reaction to the vaccine is not permissible to issue a medical in their eyes.


over time, I've seen alot more in the news about this, and even before my situation seen 10-15 pilots having similar symptoms. This will need to be addressed eventually, and I hope this doesn't happen to anyone else, but my suspicion is that it will, and I pray it doesn't in flight.