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I was terminated from Med Trans/GMR about 3 months ago.   Well when I was terminated I needed to provide human resources with an alternate email address because even though I was terminated they still had documents they needed to email me over the next 30 days and company email would be deleted.   Well myself and several others must've inadvertently got put on an email distribution list and I have been receiving emails from GMR human resources almost daily.  

Well they just sent me the payroll document for the entire GMR corporation. It lists salaries, hourly rates, bonuses literally everything about every single employee under GMR in a 300 page .PDF document. 
It is listing the president, vice president, Director of operations, chief pilots med crews and individual pilots pay, RAMs and even some contractors pay. It looks like a total monthly cash flow for the month of August 2022.  It is even listing payments to hospitals to cover medical crew salaries.  Shortly after receiving the email document I received another email asking me to delete.   This is absolute 100% no BS. I had no idea what some were making.

The file is too large to post here on this forum but GMR terminated me I owe them nothing and I am never planning on flying again due to retirement so if you would like a copy send an email to the address provided below and wallah you will have a copy no charge.   They might not like it but there's absolutely nothing illegal about it. They sent it to me.

So it will be the end of next week before I can email this to anybody because human resources made an offer to me that they would reverse my termination and make me rehire-able if I promised to send them back and delete the document and not to forward it. Well I am retired but I may ask for some financial compensation.  So please respond as soon as possible and I am building a distribution list and if GMR actually follows through with the reversal of my termination/compensation I will still respond to you telling each individual what the results were.    Please include your name/email with your request

 William (Bill).