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TONS of weather turndowns that are in completely safe weather that don't get any mention by management, yet a flight at close to 14 hours can't be turned down without calling management for approval (and, typically, they "urge" to make you take the flight).

Pushing a flight at 14 hours is ALWAYS a safety risk (there are flight hour duty limits FOR A REASON; hence the FARs), yet when TONS of aircraft are out flying (especially the competition) as weather starts improving, medcrew don't want to go because there's yellow/green on the radar, the flight categories are all showing blue, etc. and MANAGEMENT SAYS NOTHING. 

I got it, people have done stupid IIMC, but I'm not talking about skosh weather here, i.e. 10 mile vis, ceilings are a solid 1500 or higher for a 100 mile radius (non-mountainous) and improving.  And management says nothing, but a flight is planned at the 14 hour mark and management says GO!!!