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I'm 63 years old and weigh less now than the day I graduated flight school.  Can you say that?  Better yet, will you be able to 40 years after you did/do?

Currently around 185 lbs and 5'10."  If that's "fat" to you, so be it.  My father is also 5'10" and about 165 lbs.  He is type 2 also.  I have two type 1 insulin dependant siblings, who have been since childhood.  I was blessed not to have to deal with the issue untill I reached my late 50s.  Dad's side of the family has a number of type 1 folks.  None of them is what I'd consider "fat."  Maybe your judgement self does, but I don't.

As for my comment that the FAA was going to "sic the cops on me," it was just a way to communicate they had threatened me with "enforcement action."  Their language, not mine.  I looked at one of their letters to make sure I used the right language for you.  I apologize for my comments confusing your simple minded self.  Now go away child, you bore me!