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I never got vaxed, and came down with the crud earlier this month.  Work 7 and 7.  Everyone was dropping like flies toward the end of the hitch.  I had my first sick day on my first day off.  Low grade fever, chills, dry cough, then the crud in my throat.  Never any bowel issues but I did notice a diminished sense of smell when it was all over and not much taste during.  Not sure if I'll get it back.  I know it's diminished cuz normally when I would get to about day 3 no shower on days off I couldn't stand the under arm funk any more and had to clean up.  Now I'm on day 4 and I don't stink that bad.  Or do I?




Pretty sure they engineered that China virus to steal the last pleasures of humanity away.  So now you are like one of the cursed pirates from the black pearl, can't taste or smell the food you used to enjoy.



For too long I've been parched of thirst unable to quench it, too long I've been starvin' to death and haven't died.  I feel nothing. Not the wind on my face, the spray of the sea, nor the warmth of a woman's flesh.


All Part of the population control agenda conspiracy, obviously.  Take away that last pleasure and many a desperate folk would rather just die than live an existance with no satisfaction from the last bit of pleasure they could taste no smell no flavor.   Like bland gruel in an English prison. 


Some one shoot me