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How blind are some of you. We are in an historic moment for heli pay to change drastically and what do many of you do? Whine like little crybabies with hurt feelings and bash everyone else! Look at the regional airlines! They were living on the poverty line for YEARS! It wasn't until the pilot shortage hit them when pay FINALLY changed. The rotor world is experiencing the same exact thing! The difference, the regional pilots united and supported each other. What does this group do? Brag about the raise they got and immediately start bashing other companies/ unions. I'm an AMC guy, and when I saw what GMR did, I was excited and happy for them. GMR did the same thing the airlines are doing right now. They one up pay, then AMC follows, then metro, then Phi, then GMR ones up everyone again, then AMC, then metro and phi. It's a leap frog effect that TRIPLED the regional airlines pay in only a few years. All based on the SAME pilot shortage that we are experiencing right now. The saying, a rising tide raises all ships, means we ALL benefit. So for gods sake, stop freaking bashing each other over nothing and work together!! Grow up. WE WILL ALL BENEFIT FROM THIS. Okay, rant over Laughing