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Survival Flight Pay Raise and Bonus Announcement:

In an effort to retain our Survival Flight pilots and to attract the best and brightest out there to ensure the continued safe transport of our patients and medical teams, I am proud to announce, on behalf of ownership, what I believe is an industry-leading Pilot Incentive Program, effective August 1, 2022. The highlights are below, with details to follow very soon:

Salary Raises: seniority-based salary increases starting at 10% and up to 14% across the board

Retention Bonuses: $50,000 in retention bonus payments according to the following schedule: $20,000 lump sum with the signing of an agreement and commitment to stay for the next 12 months, followed by three additional $10,000 incentive payments to be paid annually through 2025

13 Plus: Any time worked over 13 hours in a shift will be compensated by utilizing the same schedule in which we pay pilot travel time

Aviation Medical Exams: reimbursement up to $150.00 annually

Referral Bonuses: $15,000 per pilot

Highly Competitive New Hire Pay Scale
New Hire Bonuses
Thank you to ownership for their support and help in developing this program and thank you for all that you do.