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Straight from the ALPA Constitution:



A. Each Master Executive Council shall have the following elected officers: a Chair, a Vice Chair and a Secretary-Treasurer or a Secretary and a Treasurer if such option is chosen under subparagraphA(1) below.

(1) On an airline having two (2) or more Local Councils or an airline having one (1) Local Council subject to Article III, Section 1C, the Master Executive Council may elect, by majority vote at a meeting held at least thirty (30) days prior to an election for the office of Secretary-Treasurer, to establish separate elected offices of Secretary and Treasurer. A Master Executive Council which elects to establish such separate offices of Secretary and Treasurer shall not recombine such offices into a single office of Secretary-Treasurer except at a meeting held at least thirty (30) days prior to an election for the offices of Secretary and Treasurer. Any action taken by a Master Executive Council to separate or recombine such offices shall be reported in writing by the Master Chair to the Vice President Administration/Secretary within ten (10) days.

B. There shall be no salary in connection with any office of a Master Executive Council