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Trying to figure out why managers and marketing folks make those decisions will make your head hurt. So don't. Just make your shift the safest for all involved and create a happy work environment. And make some money. 

Texas is a tough market for AMC. In the past 7 years I've seen over 8 bases close, entire programs lost to PHI, existing programs shrink, etc. New bases pop up in the areas where previous bases failed and hopefully they will survive. AEL's base in a box concept is tough to complete against. 

For people considering applying for new border bases do your homework before applying.  They rarely last more than 2 years before closing.  Not a great area for living.  Never buy a house there.  If you do hire on do your one year base lock then transfer to a base you really want to work at.

After 7 years with the big Blue, both public and private control; living through 2 base closures and a stint as a relief pilot, I moved on to another pasture (grass is greener).  Remember, AMC is in business to make money.  They will sacrifice anything and anyone to achieve that goal.  Fly safe and good luck.