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It can hardly have come as a surprise that all proposals are rejected and a mediator sought, that was AMC's tactic in the first two contract negotiations.

Delay, Delay Delay, push back any new contract for as long as possible. Usually 2-3 years or longer if they can.

Meanwhile the pilot salaries stagnate and more importantly, any increase only reflects what would have been adequate three years earlier, not taking into account any inflation in the intervening years and the value of salaries declines year after year in such a way that by the time, 3 years down the road, a new CBA is ratified, even though several million dollars will have been spent on their lawyers, the company have actually saved money. Additionally by holding up the pilots pay increases they can effectively use that to hold pay raises for the maintenance staff too. Another big saving. 

Whilst it is inappropriate to measure Pilot salaries against increasing management and executive staff pay or even medical personnel as each performs a function with a different value criteria based on education, experience, (Good 'ole boy network) market forces, etc., It is appropriate to examine the manner in whch the union perform their obligations for negotiations on behalf of the pilots.

At every CBA juncture the Union have advised AMC of their intention to renegotiate and thereafter the sequence of events has followed exactly the same pattern. Back and forth, meetings, meetings, meetings, ad nauseum, NMB, meetings, meetings, meetings, month after month, year after year, until finally a CBA.

What was Einsteins famous comment about doing the same things over and over again and expecting a different result?

I would suggest that what the Union is missing is the to need to create a situation PRIOR to the negotiations that make AMC want to negotiate and resolve those negotiations quickly. And the only way that will ever happen is that their financial situation is directly and significantly impacted before negotiations begin, not afterwards with "Let's not do a workover now."

However we are where we are now and SNAFU is in place. Obviously leaving shifts uncovered would be a positive step IF and only IF everyone was on board with that decision but the very fact that AMC see that that does not happen emboldens them to continue the protracted process. Having settled on any CBA previously that they knew three years down the road would probably mean the pilots would be only too willing to carry out workovers to keep abreast of inflation, they had no doubt then that history would repeat itself when the time came for renewal and so it continues.

Wise up pilots, get united and all reading from the same game plan. Its in your interest.

Just my 2c