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The fact you need to come here and tell (advocate/sell) pilot's the need to change their behavior 5o not puck up any more workovers to get some leverage on the company is exactly the same behavior that earned ALPA DELTP pilot's the court injunction above. It is ILLEGAL for you or anyone to attempt to change the norm, it is a form of a strike/work slowdown when you are in STATUS QUO. It is not STATUS QUO calling for behavior changes! Because you are calling for an organized effort here, violates Article 8 of the CBA, which clearly states you can't and you can be terminated without any right to grievance protections for attempting to organize a slowdown. And, that penalty is supported in the Delta vs ALPA court ring above also. Section 8.1 Neither the Union or any of its agents (stewards) nor any of its members will collectively, concertedly, or in any manner engage in a strike, sick-out, boycott, sympathy strike, slow down or work stoppage of any kind during the term of this Agreement. During the term of this Agreement, the Company agrees not to lock out any of the employees covered by this Agreement. It is further understood that the duly-authorized representatives of the Union shall use their best efforts on behalf of the Union to actively encourage the employees engaging in a violation of this Section to cease such conduct. If the Company knows one of its Customers will have a primary picket line, the Company will notify the Pilot before dispatching the Pilot to the location. A Pilot may refuse to take an assignment to cross a picket line if he has reasonable safety concerns based on verifiable incidents of picket line misconduct at the site. In such cases, the Company reserves the right to meet Customer needs however it deems appropriate. Section 8.2 Employees found to be in violation of the terms of this Section shall be subject to discharge. Such discharge shall not be subject to the grievance procedure or System Board of Adjustment and Arbitration provisions of this Agreement, except as to the question of whether the Pilot engaged in such a violation