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AMC has rejected the cost-of-living ("COL") and inflation raise that was proposed by the Union. With the COL and inflation rates continuing to rise in May and being projected to rise further this month, this raise would have not only have been some much needed financial relief but a huge boost in morale considering the current state of the industry and our competitors.

AMC provided no explanation on why they would not agree to, or even engage in discussion for such an important and timely raise. This is disappointing considering that AMC is coming off a record breaking year of transports and revenue and their push for us to exceed that this year. We share the same frustrations that many of you have expressed when seeing the level of time, energy, and money being spent by AMC on other programs and products. After all, we are the primary revenue generators for AMC and without us and our hard work, none of this would be possible.

After we received the notice that AMC rejected our proposal we sent a request for the company to reconsider. We apologize for the delay in getting this information out, but we wanted to give the company adequate time to consider the benefits that this raise would have provided to the employees while allowing them a reasonable time to respond. We were optimistic (more importantly hopeful) that the company would change their mind and do the right thing by their employee's. Unfortunately, that request has fallen on deaf ears and AMC has declined to respond or engage in direct negotiations with the union. Instead, AMC has decided to bypass procedures outlined in the Railway Labor Act (RLA) and immediately filed for mediation with the National Mediation Board (NMB). This is an indication to us that the willingness and desire to ratify a fair and reasonable contract in a timely manner is regretably not matched by the Company.

We anticipate that without a change in priorities and cooperation by the company this will be a very long and drawn out process that could have been completely avoided. Our hope is that we will have more promising news to release in the future and we encourage everyone to get involved and be active on the official union forum.