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Pretty hard to believe I get it.  But when you're cruising along and have no idea how or whom to contact for entry into Class B much less the phraseology to use (who you are, where you are, what you want, info blah) it's obvious there is a training issue.  The sectional shows which freq to contact approach, the Garmin did as well.  Even ATIS stated "contact approach..."  They eventually diverted into an uncontrolled airport outside and eventually said basically "they just didn't have it today."  It's not like something you couldn't get in five ten minutes of preflight note taking either.  But go on and believe they don't exist.  I know what I saw and the replies here are probably the same reaction I might have had.  Why did I popint out ATP and IFR rated? To show the level of designatoin given by someone.  Had they been just a a private pilot, the scenario would seem more logical.  Nothing more.