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I'm a helicopter pilot and we get class ones so don't know what that dummy is talking about. I have been dealing with this very issue for a long time. First, I would suggest you are absolutely positive your blood pressure is normal. It sounds like it is so that is taken care of. First, I would let your doctor know what is going on, they should understand. You can take the mineral Ginger, it's a mineral used to help motion sickness but it also helps calm your body down, in a natural way. Aspirin, banana I have done all that. Same with putting your hand up/down, not talking, it's all great and helps a little bit here and there. The issue here is between your ears. Talk it out with someone who wants to help. Perhaps go to a hypnotist, no, you're not going to be hypnotized (again, most people no nothing about what this is truly about) they can give you tips and exercises to help you deal with the subconscious that may work for you. These are just tips for you, everyone is different so what works for me or has worked for others may not work for you. Above all, think positive and learn to laugh it off if possible. Yes, laughing it off may seem crazy but it may help you.