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Because your woke company will shrivel up and DIE if they implement these non-sensical policies. Please tell me why I should hire someone based on skin color, race, ethnicity, national origin, religion, gender (of which there are only two) or sexual orientation into a safety sensitive position? That in and of itself is racist, sexist, bigoted, and fill-in-the-blank phobic. It should solely be based on experience, skill, certifications, and talent.

Should who you are banging determine your career path? Should I hire you because you are hetero or hom0sexual? If I hired you because you are white, then that would be racist. But if I hire you because you are non-white, then suddenly that's not racist. I actually don't care about either. Should I hire you because you are female simply because you make up such a small segment of the industry? Should I hire you because of some injustice in the past that happened generations ago? Will hiring you somehow right that injustice? Should I hire you because you think it's your turn? Because you are an entitled individual who thinks you are owed something?

Here's what I care about when hiring someone; can you fly the helicopter safely without bending metal, hurting someone, or scaring someone. Do you have the experience that you say you have, and do you actually fly like someone with that level of experience? Is your recklessness going to make my insurance rates go up or cost the company a lot of money in some other way? Do you have situational awareness and good judgement? Is your past or current flight history going to bring unnecessary attention from the FAA? Do you show up to work on time? What would your former employers say about you? Are you a nice person and do you get along with others? Or are you a complainer and a disrupter? Do you have a good work ethic? Do you enjoy flying? Will you be a good addition to the team? Are you safe? That's what is important.