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not carry.

There are many tools available to put off a hijacker.

Start with assessing your own attitude, orientation, scenario and what is needed to put off the perp, hopefully without using deadly force.

Concealed carry is a nightmare.  

Remember, it is you with all your apprehensions and fears, not just a tool, that is going to have to handle the situation.  

Tools need guidance and if u think such scenarios are not terrifying, which is the last situation within which you want to be trying to use deadly force due to the high percentage of mistakes made, ur kidding yourself.  

Choose incapacitating attitudes, orientations and tool/s to deal with such awkward difficulties.

Do not jump to deadly force.  

That's the last option and not one you want to try to get comfortable with because taking a life under any circumstance is really tough to live with, irrespective of other realities like legalities.

Wail away!