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What does it all mean Basil?


I'll break it down for ya.


Ambition. The lack there of.....and dwindling Ambition in todays males.  Less and Less are going for the core degrees that build society.

Degrees with the highest percentage of male students revealed
  • Engineering: 80 per cent.
  • Computing: 79.92 per cent.
  • Maths: 62.66 per cent.
  • Architecture: 61.9 per cent.
  • Physical Sciences: 59.41 per cent.
  • Business and Management: 51.66 per cent.
  • Biological Sciences: 50.83 per cent.
Oct 7, 2021
Will women pick up the slack and enter these fields?
Why are men not going to college in the numbers they once did.?
No drive to do so.
And Women are to blame.
Today's men realize they probably won't succeed with women and choose the "why bother"  attitude.
90% of the women out there are sleeping with only the Top 10% of Men.  Chads and Tyrone get all the ladies use them then discard them. 
The average guy does not stand a chance in the dating pool.  Low sexual market value equals 30 year old virgin males and they just as soon work at McDonalds and live in mom's basement than further educate themselves for what?  A better job?  For why?  To attract a left over Alpha widow resentful of the fact she had to settle with a Beta provider when she thinks she deserves so much better and then Divorce r a p e s him  a few years down the road after she's gotten tired of his boring Lays?  
No, most guys are not playing the game any more.  That's why industry that need engineers and heavy math and science fields are beginning to struggle to find qualified applicants.  There are none.  Not as many as when Gen x'ers were coming out of school.  Yes I'm a Gen x'er.  And in 4 more years I'll also be exiting the job market and taking my millions with me away from uncle sam's welfare cash grab.  12 full years before standard retirement age.
The west is doomed.  Enjoy the decline folks.  It's gonna be an interesting show.