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That's going to be your answer.  MAYBE a 5% raise but as the above post stated... that only covers inflation (actually, it doesn't).

They'll just close less productive bases.  No more helicopter or medcrew shortage.  It all evens out and doesn't cost them an added cent.

Heck, the HAA operator out of Colorado is investing in drones and a fancy technology "experience center" to market themselves.  TONS of money dropped there.  Think they want to give that to the pilots?  They still have TONS of inefficient aircraft (and non-standardized at that)... and they don't always think through spares, sister base coverage, etc.  Their managers make BANK in bonuses.  Think they want to give any extra to the pilots? 

I'm telling you; expect another round of 18+ base closures like they did in fall of 2018 and spring of 2019.  That's 72 less pilot positions (those guys would then fill the "national pool pilots" to cover any openings).

You aren't getting a raise.  Go get your fixed wing ratings during your off weeks and make the transition (even if it's not to the airlines... tons of other FW operators are hiring like crazy and are actually going to be forced to increase their starting pays).

If you're less than 45 years old IT'S TOTALLY WORTH IT.  Make the jump.