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ur not kidding.  

I guess the best answer to this green lunacy is a matter of understanding, which our Grrrrrreeeeen New Steal characters have no clue; just doing it as a popular platform for votes to achieve power.

 The proponents here in the US are not doing their homework, not even close.  

If we're to go electric how is that energy going to get to the end user?  Through our alleged dilapidated grid (not sure it is THAT bad).  What happens in the UK when you need a boost or recharge during the exclusion hours?  How much amperage are all these vehicles pulling off the grid?  How much does it cost the end-user and the maintenance costs to the generation companies?  What happens when the grid goes down?  Costs of batteries for replacement?  What to do with recycling them?  Gas stations serve customers in a matter of minutes.  How large are country side recharge stations going to be in order to accommodate vehicles and passengers with a 30 minute to 3-5 hour charge requirement?  What happens to the price of goods made from petroleum which will be more expensive as petroleum becomes more scarce?

Good thing is battery nano tech is really moving forward with very long range batteries that may solve the above, excepting the price of petrol goods.

The idea CO2 is destroying the planet probably has great merit, scientists have seen it before in sediment studies.  However, the US is not nearly the culprit.  Check out China, India, Africa and South America, especially the CO2 scrubbing Amazon that is set to be irreversibly lost.  By 'check it out' I mean go to these places and try to breathe.  WE, the people of the US, are not the CO2 problem politicians make us out to be and we do not need to sacrifice our selves to lead the world in to the future of electric boondoggles.  Politicians go down these insane deep-dive roads for votes, plain and simply it is a matter of their desire for control and power funded by some of the richest characters in the world.  We're pawns, nothing more.