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Besided the pusher prop getting jacked up in a sloped LZ, the two vertical fins have way more chance of getting jacked up.  WAY more chance (and Blackhawks annually have jacked up stabiliator damage from LZ's... which is about as mind-boggling as the amount of times Blackhawks pilots like to ground taxi the main rotors into T-walls, building, and other aircraft). 

Also, the pilots have some pretty bad@ss doors on the Defiant, but the forward visibility s#cks much like current Blackhawks.  Look at pics of the S-69 ABC... they figured out back then how to have better forward visibility!  And today's modern screens DO NOT suffer from so much glare to need such huge glareshields.

Notice how the greenhouses are shortened too.  That will suck trying to see around in a tight turn.  I use my greenhouse a lot... would s#ck to not have one. 

And, again, chin-bubble anyone?  Even C-130's have chin bubbles!!!

Also, the aircraft seems a bit larger than a Blackhawk and it can only carry 12 troops compared to the current 11???  That makes no sense.  Especially as the Blackhawk currently has a ton of wasted space between and in front of the crewchiefs.  They should have thought that through.  Either move up the crewchiefs or allow seats to be right behind the pilots.