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The true problem with disallowing input from medical types is to lose the view of their twisted fake egalitarian highly hyped world.  

Nary a day went by when I was involved in HAA did I not hear the word hero and all about the patient and saving lives and nothing else matters - you get it, not anything else matters, not even their constant irrelevant and distracting chatter when things mattered!  Keeping them on the Forum represents an intelligence gathering venue, a window to their world, a heads-up to their mental wanderings.

To get wrapped and twisted by their machinations is to stoop to their level and definitely say that you are a willing participant to their voluminous rubbish, which as you mention, only gets worse with time.

Most effective weapon I found in dealing with them was to ignore their idiocy when it arose.  Only one time did I  spar with them and it was with the inclusion of senior aviation management.  Ever hear of never being able to win an argument with a Chief Flight Nurse?  Well, this was a win, especially when I announced next stop was the FAA if the constant BS didn't stop.  And, no, I didn't get black balled.