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You had to clink the link in the page to see the whole story.  Here's the valid exerpt worth reading.  The dude looped Airwolf!

According to the pilot's written statement, the flight was returning from a patient drop-off at the Abbott Northwestern Hospital and was en route to STP. The pilot reported that about halfway back to STP he felt a "tick" in the cyclic control in the aft direction. The pilot stated that he switched off the Flight Control System (FCS) to troubleshoot the occurrence and then turned the system back on. The pilot reported that the servo indicators appeared to be in their normal positions. The pilot stated that as the helicopter neared the Minnesota State Capital Building he felt the "tick" again as he turned for a downwind entry to taxiway bravo at STP. The pilot reported that he was around 800-900 feet above ground level (agl) for noise abatement, when the helicopter pitched-up. The pilot reported the following:

"... severe nose high climb attitude. The cyclic stick harded over to the full aft position. I was unable to move any of the flight controls except the pedals. The aircraft continued over, now upside down and diving towards the ground, still at cruise power. Unable to move the cyclic, the aircraft continued this inside loop type of attitude and started up again. Until this point I believe I was trying to manipulate the flight controls normally with one hand on the collective, and my right on the cyclic. I was not strong enough so I tried moving the cyclic with both hands. As about this the cyclic started moving on it's own, and the fight now was trying to keep the controls centered. The aircraft was completely out of control with me having minimal impact on adjusting the flight controls."

"I either told the paramedic or he on his own initiative lowered the collective using both hands. The aircraft then was diving at the ground and it seemed like I was more able to keep it somewhat in a level attitude. I flared with cyclic to arrest the rate of decent and then we ballooned up in pitch. I was trying to place the aircraft in a parking lot when we did this pitch-up. As we climbed up again I saw power lines to my front with a road beyond that had enough room to set the aircraft down. As I tried to raise the collective to go over these wires, the rotor bled off with the low rotor audio and lights. I realized the aircraft was not going to clear the wires, so I jammed full left pedal and placed the helicopter on the roof of a two-story building immediately to my left."