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Dude, it's not just the med crews! 

I once had a pilot who tried to turn down a flight at the MORNING shift change because it was raining 60 miles from the receiving hospital.  60 miles away!  BTW, it was light rain and the radar showed the showers slowly moving in the opposite direction from where he was going.  I almost had to push him into the cockpit.....

I had another pilot who was doing a workover shift at our base who told me during the shift change brief that he had turned down a fight.  When I asked him why, he said, "because it was raining at the receiving hospital when the call came in."  It was a 90 minute flight to that hospital.  When I asked him what the weather was supposed to be there when he would have been arriving he said, "he didn't know and didn't care because it was raining when the call came in and he didn't fly in the rain."  He had blond highlights in his brown hair and the rest of us pilots in the program called him "Frosty the No Man!"