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Weak, bureaucratic Peter Principal types need to find fault and blame to convince the minions that they are effective leaders. Just look at U.S. or global politics for the last 25 years or further back if you like.  Everything must now be punitive and someone must be punished. 

i.e. The 28 year old truck driver in Denver lost his truck going down a steep grade .  6 people were killed in the accident .  He was sentenced to 110 years in jail.  Reasons, he wasn't qualified because he had only been driving trucks for 3 years , was only 28 years old and didn't speak good English  and did not use the emergency truck ramp. 

Kind of like one of us balling up an autorotation and a passenger getting hurt.  The fact you had to go into timber with 100 ft. trees would not even enter into the argument.  A good lawyer could prove you shouldn't have flown over that type of environment or that you weren't trained to handle that type of emergency.  

Just because I'm paranoid , does not mean they are not out to get you !!  Fly safe.