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who called this guy a wanna be pilot.


I fly with some of the best ppg pilots that have more skill in their lil pinky then you would ever have hitting that autopilot switch there bucko.


Show some respect.


I didn't know this dude personally but he could have been me or any of the fellas I fly with.  We cloud surf.  Yes it's stupid.  Yes it's a risk for a mid air with an IFR bird.  Not saying this is what happened but my guess is if they didn't see each other then they were proably both in the clouds, especially at 5k. 


I practice clear of clouds on 99% of my flying.  But I do get careless over Cypermort point from time to time when the occasional stray white puffy comes along and I've not seen any heli or plane traffic all day.  Playing next to a cloud is the most fun you can have with a paramotor.  It gives you a sensation of free flying that you can't get with any other form of flight.  I think it's the relative proximity to an object that shows your motion in relation to the object that get's the blood pumping.  Much like close ground prox flying does for some of the acro guys.  But it's much safer doing wingovers at 5k than 200 feet.


I used to post a lil hand written notam on the wall in the Cameron ops building when I was working from that base just to let you guys know I'd be flying low over the beach near the Rec center that day.  I didn't want to get smashed like a bug on your windscreen just as much as you didn't wanna hit me either.  A little bit goes a long way.


Not sure what the wx was doing the day this happened so don't know flying blind was even a factor, I can only assume it was. 

Anyway, Be safe out there folks, stay sharp, the sport is growing, we are training more and more guys to fly these things everyday.  So expect more stories like this in the news.  And Don't knock it till you try it.  You'll probably hang up flying for a living and start living to fly.