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I didn't do any workover, hence no bonus for me ya retard. But here's the email verbatim. Have your mother get the crayons out and explain it to you real slow like. Pilots, Nurses, and Medics, In recognition of your sacrifice over the upcoming holidays to keep us in service, we are introducing the following incentive: Incentive applies to base coverage hours worked between November 21, 2021 – January 1, 2022; Each 12 hour period worked after 252 hours (21 12 hour shifts or 10.5 24 hour shifts) of coverage during the period earns a $200 bonus; The holiday period bonus is in addition to whatever shift incentives or holiday pay are regularly earned for the period; Training, Travel, Vacation, PTO and all other non-coverage pay are excluded from the hours accumulating toward the bonus; All pilots, nurses, and medics in the AMC operation are eligible; and Bonus payment will be included in the January 21, 2022 payroll. Example 1: A medic works 2 – 24 hour shifts each of the 6 weeks covered for a total of 288 hours. The extra 36 hours worked over 252 hours earns a $600 bonus. Example 2: A pilot works their full 21 scheduled 12 hour shifts and picks up an additional 2 workover shifts for a total of 276 hours. The extra 24 hours worked earns a $400 bonus. If you have any questions, please contact your Area Manager. Sincerely, Executive Leadership Team