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The Cpap arena has become a huge profit center for the Medical Community.  Most people don't sleep well and the older you get the worse it is but as it is with everything, Cpap now cures or helps you avoid everything from being stupid to erectile dysfunction in your goldfish.  I use a machine on doctors orders, after a sleep study.  I have found that if you do not follow the doc's dictate the insurance companies tend to be a bit reluctant to provide certain kinds of coverage.  I personally have not seen an improvement overall in my health.  The only detriment is having a stiff neck all the time and the hassle of machine maintenance (cleaning).  I do not have too maintain a medical anymore so I am not that conflicted.  I do feel for you younger guys.  This Brave new world you are being dragged into, (I hope kicking and screaming) is going to have a lot of changes and IMHO not for the better.  My advice is: Don't be a frog in the boiling pot but if that's where the flies are sometimes you don't have a choice.